Renew your body like a marathon runner- become hardcore with these rad tips on building a marathon-runner-body – Striders

Renew your body like a marathon runner- become hardcore with these rad tips on building a marathon-runner-body

21/10/2019by Admin0

If you are like most people, getting fit and staying fit is a never-ending cycle with resolutions come and gone, one fitness fad tried and discarded as you start another one. One form of fitness however has been on a rise and consistently so. Running marathons has become the next big thing with more and more people taking it up no matter what age, what fitness background.

Running needs very little investment- its like the saying goes- “Have feet, will run”. Running benefits are myriad including reducing stress, improving overall health, balancing the mind and soul, and is also one of the best ways to lose weight and work the heart. Most runners get addicted to it not just because it gives an adrenalin high but because running becomes a form of meditation, a contemplative silence in touch with your mind and nature. It is indeed cathartic and this sense of well-being percolates into the rest of the day. The fact that all you need is a pair of running shoes to begin is an incentive for many. No wonder so many are taking up marathon running and not looking back.

Running a marathon is a whole other ballgame.Training for a marathon must be done the right way and these tips will get you going.

  1. Starting the practice: The right time to begin training for a marathon is at least a year before the D day. This gives the body enough time to allow your body to adapt.
  2. Invest in coaching: Training for a marathon with a coach makes a world of difference. A well-structured training program customized for you with the appropriate warm up and cool down stretches go a long way.
  3. Invest in proper shoes: Finding the right pair of shoes is critical. Shoes should be picked based on your foot type, terrain and body weight. Getting Gait Analysis done by a sports physiotherapist can help you understand the right way to run and also the right sole-mate for you based on a scientific assessment.
  4. Distance: Take care to ramp up your mileages slow and steady.
  5. Base mileage: Plan your weekly mileage over time. Running 3-5 times a week with relaxed pacing and increasing the mileage by 10% per week is a great way to train. Practise one long run every 7 to 10 days so that the body gets enough time to recover. Also someone with a smaller body frame can pick up the mileage faster than a person with a heavier body as it puts stresses due to increased weight.
  6. Rest and recovery: Recover well with adequate hydration, sleep, nutrition, sports massage and stretching to perform at your best at each run.
  7. Strength training: Running involves a lot of muscles working together to create synchronized stride. It is therefore important to maintain muscles at their optimal strength. The calf and quadriceps are especially adapted to act like a spring saving energy to propel the body forwards. Add functional training, Pilates, weight training, swimming, and core workshops on rest days.
  8. Energy and hydration: Practise your runs with hydration packs and energy gels or bars in a side pocket so as to get accustomed to it. Long runs lasting for more than two hours cause depletion of energy due to which the body might feel tired and heavy. Replenish your energy at timely intervals; sports drinks are recommended every few miles.
  9. Work on your breathing while running. This helps you train your diaphragm and provide enough oxygen to the body to reduce the energy expenditure.
  10. New runners should concentrate on building time and not distance. Set realistic goals to keep yourself motivated.
  11. Listen to your feet while running. Softer landing will reduce the impact on your knees

Remember that running trains not only your body but also your mind. Sometimes pushing your body just a tad bit to finish your running goal for the day requires a state of mind that is positive, disciplined and goal-oriented. Running with a positive frame of mind can change your world outlook from a glass half-empty to a glass half-full. Run your own race. Don’t compare yourself with other runners. Whether it is a 10 km or a half or full marathon, have a game plan and stick to it. Build a marathon mind and body you can be proud of.


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